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Customized Support
Image by Naassom Azevedo

Good Health Gives You Freedom

There is freedom in feeling your best.

Freedom to be able to do

more of what you want to do.

Customized Nutrition Support

Do you need more one-on-one support?

Are you ready to gear up for change but

need further direction, guidance and

someone to lean on for the first few weeks?


My customized support consulting package

extending over a 4-6 week period

includes a 1 - 2 hour intake appointment

to get to know all about you
and your unique requirements,
a 1 - 2 hour appointment where we
go over the nutritional recommendations
customized just for you.

Also included are 2 follow up appointments
and some added email/text support
during the 4 - 6 week period.

I do offer a select number of spots only at a time at a cost of $800.00.

If you're ready to gear up for change, 

please connect with me by filling out the form below. 

We'll proceed to set up a timeframe and start gathering the tools to begin.

Thanks for reaching out. I'll be in touch soon!

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